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Dragon Fantasy Books

Fantasy is often described as a genre that uses a mix of magic and supernatural forms or other elements of creative imagination as the main feature or setting for books, games, movies etc. This genre is commonly associated with the elements of Middle Age European style looks, themes such as architecture, clothes and technology. The events in a fantasy movie occur mostly on distant planets where magic reigns supreme.

Rufus And The Biggest Diamond In The World By Michael Elsmere

In Rufus And The Biggest Diamond In The World, Michael Elsmere creates nothing less than a complete fantasy world of children’s literature. Rufus has been told a story by his father about a diamond of a size beyond anyone’s dreams. It is just waiting to be found, so, having lost his parents, Rufus sets out to do precisely that.

BR 6 – Review Of Fabulous Paper Gliders By Norman Schmidt

I enjoy Norman’s books. He always has planes with great flying capabilities, with heavily researched and informative text. This book is no different, and stands apart from many paper airplane books in that it focuses on paper planes inspired from real gliders.

BR 5 – Review Of Mini Flyers By Pamela Liflander

Mini Flyers’ Mini-Book and Kit is a nice little gift for an inexperienced paper airplane pilot. It is not the greatest book on paper airplanes, but it wasn’t meant to be.

BR 4 – Paper Airplane Folio By Richard D Clodfelter

This is a review of the Paper Airplane Folio created by Richard D. Clodfelter. This is a short booklet that features 5 designs with a free link to a 6th one, (The Canard). There are 3 pages of background material, and 5 pages of planes.

Children Books – Imbibe The Reading Habits

Children’s books are very carefully depicted with lots of amazing illustrations and graphics. These books steadily imbibe the reading habits among the children and enhance their expression skills and knowledge about various things.

The Ghost Of Bobby Now Haunts The Internet

Children’s book reviewers of all ages are invited to go to the website and subscribe to receive the free downloadable review copy of “The Ghost of Bobby”. The first 300 subscribers, who leave a review on the Ghost of Bobby blog, will also receive updates on David’s latest work. Go to The Ghost Of Bobby dot Com for more details on how to become a book review.

Evolution of Children’s Horror Literature

Titled “Welcome to the Dead House”, the book was an instant bestseller and became the first in the highly successful “Goosebumps” series. “Welcome to the Dead House” tell the story of a town called Dark Falls, a place hiding a secret – all the residents are the living dead, and need fresh blood to sustain their “lives”. Whenever a new family arrives in the sound they move to The Dead House.

Children’s Books – Enlighten and Entertain Your Kids

Every child loves to spend some time reading the exciting books that tell them about the various things related to life and fantasy. The books for kids are specially written to entertain and educate them. If certain lessons have to be taught to children then they need to be presented in an exciting and interactive manner.

The Locket, Surviving The Triangle Shirtwaist Fire

In the early 1900’s joining the union is a dangerous thing to do but Anya longs to improve working conditions for abused workers. Soon a horrible fire erupts and destroys the Triangle Shirt Factory and shatters a young girls dream.

The Art of Children’s Books

Children’s books are not always about the words and the morals. Sometimes children’s books are about the illustration. Contrary to popular belief, most children’s book illustrators are actually hired by the publishing company rather than the author of the book. Sometimes this can be upsetting for prospective children’s book writers that really wanted to illustrate their book according to their own visions.

How to Submit a Children’s Book to Publication

That’s it. You’ve finished creating your children’s book. It has a moral, it has a good story, it uses no polysyllabic words yet still comes across as readable. It is time to get your children’s book published. To do so, unfortunately, can be a long and grueling process.

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