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Coming Up With Your Children’s Book Idea

Children’s books are probably the most difficult books to write without a specific plan in mind. Their simplicity doesn’t allow for twists and turns, their prose is not made for existential thought, and their content cannot be too serious or too fantasy, otherwise it will be difficult for the child to understand. As such, coming up with a successful children’s book idea can be very difficult.

Interview with SK Whalen, Author of Rooke’s Island – The Prophecy of the Staring Eyes

In “Rooke’s Island: The Prophecy of the Staring Eyes,” an exciting new fantasy novel for children, Margery Mutters is a middle-aged school teacher caught up in a boring life. One day she receives a letter with magical popping eyes that changes her life forever.

Interview with Debbie Glade, Author of The Travel Adventures of Lilly P Badilly

In Debbie Glade’s new illustrated children’s book, “The Travel Adventures of Lilly P. Badilly: Costa Rica,” a bright, curious young millipede named Lilly P. Badilly takes readers on the adventure of a lifetime when she and her grandparents spontaneously decide to sneak aboard a plane to Costa Rica. The precocious young Lilly lives with her grandparents in a hole in the wall in Miami International Airport.

Children Books – Nurture the Reading Habit

The most violent element in the society is ignorance. A little learning is a dangerous thing, but a lot of ignorance is jut as bad. To sustain in this competitive world a person should be well versed in every topic.

BR 2 – Paper Airplane Book Review – The Great International Paper Airplane Book

This is IT! For me, this was the first book on paper airplanes I owned, or read for that matter. I had made only a couple of kinds that my brothers had shown me before reading this. All other books I have read on paper airplanes are judged in comparison to it.

BR 3 – Book Review of Sixteen Flying Machines, Inspired by Leonardo Da Vinc

This is a review of Sixteen Flying Machines, inspired by Leonardo da Vinci. Very little background is given on Leonardo, and most of that is on the envelope that holds the sheets of paper.

Harry Potter Is Now An A Level Classic

Harry Potter crashes onto the bookshelves in stores the world over, selling out in thousands before Ms Rowling’s pen has even left the paper. Some of us, however, are not so enamoured with Harry!

The Squirrel, the Worm and the Nut Trees

The first thing that greets the reader upon seeing “The Squirrel, the Worm and the Nut Trees” is the glossy green cover and the large cartoon like illustrations of nature scenes. Illustrations both on the cover and inside this children’s book were created by Bobby Switzer are soft, smooth and friendly; I felt they are very easy on the eyes. The happy and sometimes frustrated critters will have readers giggling.

Willie’s Dad

Willie’s Dad by Stanley Williams is a large 8.5 X 11 inch paperback children’s book about unselfish love that will move your heart. The author, Stanley Williams, shows children the heart-wrenching sacrifices that the family goes through when someone they love is incarcerated. Readers are also shown the emotional toll it takes on the person behind bars.

The Magic In You

I loved this book! The Magic In You celebrates individuality, acceptance of one’s actions and also embracing the ability to affect those around us in a positive way – if we chose to do so. The author, Sally H. Taylor is also the illustrator and every single page is filled with nature in a way that will appeal to children.

BR 1 – Paper Airplane Book Review – The Paper Airplane Book By Seymour Simon

This is a review of The Paper Airplane Book by Seymour Simon. Conducted by Uncle Dean of The Online Paper Airplane Museum. Includes information concerning the planes contained in the book.

Astro Socks

Astro Socks is a wonderful little juvenile action adventure fiction with a little space and astronomy thrown in. The lead character, Chris, is a young boy who wants to find a solution to socks continually falling off his infant sister. Chris shows us some of the creation process, how to take notes, the things to consider when creating a new product and reaching out to others for their expertise.

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